Hear from owners and manufacturers who have been able to create more parts, better parts and more money - in less time, less space.
For manufacturers who want to ramp up production and maximize efficiency.

Eduardo De Barros
Vice President, Taurus
Eurotech offered a solution that gave us faster, less expensive new product introduction
with simple changeover. We are running the same parts we did on our other CNC machines 33% faster on the Eurotech plus the accuracy is superb!

Dave Fricke
Founder, SSK Firearms
The Eurotech Rapido is scary fast. It is the perfect machine for parts from the 20 mm to 36 mm diameter.

Allen Beaulieu
Turning Lead, Horst Engineering
Eurotech machines have helped our company reduce steps in our machining processes while maintaining the high precision that
aerospace parts require.

Ron Gronback
Owner, PDQ Inc.
Eurotech’s technology works; our machines run faster and sleep less than the competition!

Marc Moran
Foreman, Swiss Automation Inc.
Our Eurotech machine gave us 24-3o% improvement in cycle time. It is much faster than the competition and incredibly user friendly. We’ve since invested in 4 more!

Dan Walters
Owner, American Torch Tip
We chose the Eurotech SwissTurn because we can machine so many different parts, has a greater capacity than the competition, and it has over 30 tool stations. This is a great advantage as we can machine complex parts in one operation or run several simpler parts with no changeover.

Pat Hundley
President, West Coast Manufacturing
The Eurotech machine allows us to machine the parts in one operation instead of two. This of course is a huge savings in time and improves part quality

Marc Moran
VP Operations, Swiss Automation
We believe it is very important to train our team in all cutting edge technology. That is why Eurotech’s free
lifetime programming classes are so valuable to us.

Troy Jones
Vice President, Accratronics
We cut our cycle times by well over 60% and dramatically improved our productivity. The support from the Eurotech team is 5 stars.

Joe Hasbelbauer
Production Supervisor, Premier Industries
The Eurotechs are so much faster that we sold our other brands of turn/mill machines, and now only run Eurotechs.

Ruben Salitillo
Engineering Manager, Appleton Mexico Group
Previously, all 12 parts were being made in 2-3 operations. We now manufacture them ALL in 1 operation on the Eurotech. Our quality greatly improved, and we realized a cycle time improvement of over 44%!

Gary North
President, Triax Precision Manufacturing
The Eurotech was able to cut our cycle times in half and reduced our operations down to one. We are now a ‘Done in One’ Shop!

Victor DaCruz
Founder, DaCruz Manufacturing
With Eurotech, we had the most advanced technology on the market. The competition couldn't match us.

Rick Dobras
Owner, Seekonk
With Eurotech we eliminated all manual operations, sealed in better accuracy and kept our team-driven, family environment. It's amazing! You put in a raw piece of steel and it comes out looking like a jewel with the Eurotechs.

Rick Meyer
MFG. VP, Classic Turning
The Eurotech Multipla produces more profit than any machining cell in our facility.

David Tarlton
Owner, Storm Lake Barrels
The Eurotech single turret gave us a huge ROI increase. It is a work horse for us. The capability lets us finish a part completely in one operation. We've gone from 9 ops to 1op! And a previous cycle time of 26 min has gone down to 2 min. 10 seconds.

Dan Anger
CNC Director, Schaeffer Screw Products
With the Eurotech SwissTurns we have a 33% cycle time savings and part inspection is down to 1-2 parts per hour. It’s really phenomenal!

Tom Hasset
Owner, T&L Automatics
The Eurotech machine is absolutely phenomenal. A part on our other multi-axis CNC machines that had a cycle time of 74 seconds we run in 60 seconds on the Eurotech (an 18% savings). The Eurotech is so much faster than the competition that its speed difference alone completely pays for the machine.

Alex Nasio
President, Ailos
“With Eurotech’s SwissTurn we can accomplish outstanding surface finishes and hold tolerances of 0.0002. Thanks to the stability of the machine, we can leave the machine running unattended for long periods of time and run One and Done. The hybrid capability lets us run rough or ground parts effectively and the support and service we get form our local distributor Utech CNC is outstanding.”

Adrian Kellgren
Director of Industrial Production, KelTec Firearms
We went from 45 parts per shift for a single horizontal, up to 185 parts and those 185 parts were on a single Eurotech RAPIDO, run by a single operator, who was able to attend other Swiss lathes.

Don Verzi
Founder, MIR Machining
Nothing on the market compares with the Eurotech machines. The accuracy is unbeatable; it's just the best way to do business. A part that formerly involved 4 processes on 3 different machines, now takes only one process on one Eurotech Stallion machine.

Charlie King
Owner, IDM
We were shocked! On the identical part, one month’s production on the Eurotech gave us 38% more revenue! Now that we’ve had the machine for a long time, we can always expect at least 2.5 x the cycle time difference in added revenue. For example, if we are 10% faster we see at least 25% more revenue!

Dave Fricke
Owner, SSK Firearms
The harmonics of Eurotech machines makes it so easy to work with. "Done in One Manufacturing" is paramount to manufacturing long and short gun
barrels; you get a perfect part the first time. As an operator you can see that the machines are built for longevity.

Mason Ware
COO, Helios Injection Systems
This is our first CNC machine, and we’re excited to machine parts in-house now. This is going to drastically reduce our inventory, increase our profit margins, and give us just-in-time inventory, as well as being able to eventually work our way up into another business avenue, making parts for other people and not just ourselves, so just expanding our business and what we can do.

Bob Devroy
Co-Founder, Prosper-Tech Machine & Tool
The Eurotech Forza opened up an entirely new type of work for us and increased our production by hundreds of parts a week. The speed of the machine actually scared us at first, so we slowed it down until we were more comfortable. We are very happy with our investment and are looking forward to adding many more Eurotech machines in the future.

Mark Lester
Production Manager, Coleman
The Eurotech SwissTurn solved our manufacturing problems. It took up minimal floor space, eliminated handling, improved accuracy and saved 37% in our cycle time. We now machine parts in one operation and with the free training are still increasing our productivity.

Tim Gunkler
CNC Manager, G.W. Lisk
The Eurotechs hold tolerance day in and day out without any fuss. You setup the lathe in the morning and you don’t have to worry about tweaking tolerances. Also the Fanuc control is laid out in such a way that everyone can operate the machine with ease.

Chad Mayberry
MFG. Manager, Compaero
The Eurotechs are the best machines for the connector parts we are making. In comparison to our other major generic brand machines we are seeing a cycle time savings of over 35%

Bill Schmidt
President, Festo
Parts went from 7 operations to one operation. Setup time was greatly reduced and often eliminated altogether. We not only reduced our operations, but we inspect a part one time instead of a partial part 7 times.

John Wilcox
Owner, MSP Industries
Thanks to Eurotech we have removed 2 secondary machining operations. Our cycle time was cut
by 73 seconds giving us 33% cycle time savings.

Tony Nguyen
President, So Cal Precision Machining
We achieve more than 55% cycle time savings with the Eurotech Rapido. You can't find a better team than Eurotech to work with.

Mark Lester
Production Manager, Coleman
We are now making parts in one operation! And with the free training that Eurotech offers, we are still increasing our productivity.

Susan Brader
Vice President, BHI
Our local distributor, AMS is just awesome as well as Eurotech’s team; from installation to set up to hands-on training, it has been a great experience. We are amazed at the speed of the machine and simplicity of set-ups.

John Wilcox
Manager, Model Screw Products
The quality, training, and support from Eurotech is the best in the market.

Paul Hynes
Director, Metrol Springs Ltd
Eurotech offers great after sales service, support and training. With the lights out machining capability they offer, we are able to run at night with minimal or no staff.

Larry Ostendorf
Lead Engineer, GLD/Ikelite
I’m completely sold on Eurotech. Our distributor Superior Equipment and the Eurotech team are all outstanding. We’re not a huge customer but they always treat us like one.

Joshua Farney
Harken Mfg
Awesome class. Great instructor! Very knowledgeable information given during the 3 days of training. I love Eurotech! Thank you.

Ron Gronback
President, PDQ Inc.
Eurotech’s free lifetime training and online phone support is superb and essential to utilizing the technology.

Geoff Giner
Owner, Model Screw Products
You can’t go wrong with the Eurotech machines, and the customer care they provide after the purchase.

Les Richards
Owner, Custom Mold
I can’t say enough about Eurotech. Their engineering, service support and training are bar none.

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Turnkey Set Up, Education and Support.